
Singer/Songwriter Frank SummersIf you’ve found this page, chances are you were looking for someone else. But seriously …  as long as you’re here … I am Frank Summers–writer, guitarist, musician and singer/songwriter in the Dallas area.

As a musician, my specialty is finger-style guitar and my songs evoke a coffee house feel with a notable folk/rock influence. I’ve been making music all my life and have been interested in writing and photography for most of that time as well.

As a writer, the focus of my work is science fiction and fantasy. I’ve published half a dozen stories in short story anthologies and online science fiction magazines.

My current projects are of the musical nature. I am currently making performance videos of some of my original material.

In the coming days and weeks, I’ll be adding photographs, snippets of my writing and more music. So please check back often!

To kick things off, I offer two videos. The first is from 1983, when I had the good fortune to be featured as a singer/songwriter for a variety show produced by the then fledgling Disney Channel. The show was called Coming On! and was seen by literally tens of people. Coming On! Toured the US looking for performers in all genres of the performing arts. The song I performed is called “Tear out the Pages.” (And no . . . that is not a mullet.)


The second video up is a remake of the same song 35 years later:



Incidentally, I wrote the song, Tear out the Pages, about my late grandfather, Taylor Fred Summers.

I hope you enjoy these videos. If so, please subscribe to my YouTube channel to receive updates when I post new videos. Also, drop me a line on the Contact Me Page. I’d love to hear from you.

Thanks for dropping by!